
芸術の魔法にかかった染色家・成瀬 優 徳川家康の時代から東京の染色文化を支えた神田川。 その神田川の支流、今は暗渠化(アンキョカ)されている和泉川沿いに佇む小さなアトリエ、 Silk Gallery。 元々3人の夢見る若者が営んでいた小さなオートバイ整備場だった建…

Thing to wear

When japanese write Kimono in Kanji, it means "Thing to wear". it is quite simple but i think it has very impressive senses that japanese originally have got for clothing. Just imagine. When you wear normal clothes like t-shirts and jeans,…

Ideas and opinions 1-3 End of this chapter

I've been working as a Kimono Salesman for around 8 years. In the beginning, my CEO gave me a chance to work at head office in Kyoto, the center city and industrial cluster of Kimonos, to have experiences. I've learned basic skills of Sale…

Ideas and opinions 1-2

Though people would think that the change of my life decision, Jazz Musician to Kimono Salesman, is quite differ, Kimono and traditional culture weren't actually very new for my life. ~Childfood Memories~ Talking about my parents, both of …

Ideas and opinions 1

It has been long time since i express something i have in my mind in public place like blogs and SNS. I have worked in one company for about 8 years, I think its good time i restart to express my ideas and opinions. Before my expressions, …